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About Bustle:


Bustle is a part-time educator, full time mom and homemaking maven.  She remembers all of her appointments and probably yours too.  Bustle enjoys reading, entertaining, baking delicious scones, knitting in circles, writing creative correspondence in her post as a modern-day miss manners, and spending time with Vim.  She lives in Houston, TX with her husband, her two boys and a dog she isn’t entirely sure about yet.

About Vim:


Vim is a marketing professional by day and a theatre artist all the rest of the time (like Batman). She’s the proud owner of a small, feminist theatre company and a lifetime sleeping disorder.  Vim enjoys reading, travel, nights out with loud friends and strong cocktails, an inconsistent yoga practice, making whimsically-shaped cakes for loved ones, and spending time with Bustle.  She lives in Austin, TX with her husband and two cats.

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